Friday 14 September, 2018
Yorkshire Water has trialled a world first “no dig” gravity-fed sewer lining system to increase the lifespan of its underground sewers by up to 50 years. The technology is expected to save the firm around £1.25 million over five years
Tuesday 11 September, 2018
As part of Peter Duffy Limited’s commitment to Health and Wellbeing there are a number of employee’s and family members (plus some 4 legged friends) joining a Memory Walk, which is a national campaign in support of the Alzheimer’s Society
Thursday 6 September, 2018
Once again DrainsAid will be attending No Dig Live 2018, a biennial exhibition for trenchless technology. Some of our team will be there showcasing our M-Coating Manhole Rehabilitation Unit, as well as being on hand to discuss any of our