DrainsAid is the drainage division of Peter Duffy Limited.

Peter Duffy Limited is a civil engineering and utility services company committed to the following statement which is supported by our vision and core values.

DrainsAid is the drainage division of Peter Duffy Limited.

Peter Duffy Limited is a civil engineering and utility services company committed to the following statement which is supported by our vision and core values.

Mission statement

  • To have a safe and sustainable business
  • To provide an excellent service
  • To be the first choice for every client


To achieve the objectives of our mission we have a framework which provides the vision and guide for our business.

Safety, health and the environment must be our highest priorities. Putting safety first is every employee’s responsibility. Reporting unsafe conditions and unsafe acts will reduce the risk of accidents. The health of our employees is important and the state of the workplace must ensure this is the case. We must be an organisation which cares for the environment.

The Service we provide must be a service where our customers want to come back to us the next time. The service we provide must be right, first time, every time.

Our People are our business. People influence every aspect of the business: safety, service and quality, and provide the first impression of the business. We seek solutions and innovative ideas. We develop our people so that they have the skills and competences to meet our expectations.

Profitability is necessary for the company to be sustainable and grow. We will be profitable if we work safely and productively, provide an excellent service, minimise wastage and get it right first time.

Connaught House (DrainsAid base in Wakefield)


Our core values are key to our culture. At Peter Duffy Limited we carry out our business with the following values.

Respect: for ourselves, our colleagues, our clients and the general public. Respecting diversity in our workforce and the communities in which we work. Treating people as we would want to be treated; with respect and patience.

Accountability: for our actions. Every employee must recognise their responsibilities and be accountable for their actions. Doing the right thing; not walking by when we can make a difference. Doing the right thing; safely and sustainably.

Collaboration: the company and its employees have a duty to work together and follow procedures to create the correct environment to deliver the right service. We listen and encourage openness. Views and opinions are valued.

Quality: getting it right first time saves time, minimises disruption and provides the best possible service to our clients. Taking pride in what we do and carrying out work to the best of our ability. We always try to help by seeking solutions and being innovative.

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